Class Description
As the second course in the graphic design core curriculum, Graphic Design II builds upon the concepts introduced in Graphic Design I. Acceptance into GD II requires completion of GD I and all relevant portfolio requirements established by the overall GD program.
Application of the grid and other forms of visual organization will be emphasized. We will also strengthen foundation design concepts such as sequencing, visual hierarchy, grouping, symbol recognition, figure and ground relationships through assignments both off and on the computer. Typography and image making techniques will be equally explored in solving design problems through conceptual thinking and project development.
Course study will include historical examples of style as reference points to developing meaningful contemporary design. All projects will encourage the development of a cohesive form and content relationship through visual communication. This is a challenging class which requires thinking, reading, research, discussion, art, design, work and fun, involvement, please be prepared!
Arts 075 Graphic Design I
Required text
Geometry of Design by Kimberly Elam ISBN: 1568982496
Grid Systems by Kimberly Elam ISBN: 1568984650
Recommended: Thinking with Type by Ellen Lupton, ISBN: 1568984480
(will be required in the Typography class)
Readings from supplemental materials will be assigned. Discussion will follow these readings to clarify, pose questions and ensure understanding for the material which relate to the discussion of design.
Lab Fee
There will be a lab fee of $30 to cover maintenance and upkeep of computer facilities. There will be no refund of this fee if the course is dropped after the drop deadline.
All programs in the computer labs are licensed for the machines in the labs only. Students are prohibited from copying programs from the computers in the lab for their personal use. It is not only a violation of University policy; it is a violation of the law.
Course Goals and Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Build upon the concepts introduced in Graphic Design I and prepare the student to successfully meet the challenges of Graphic Design III.
- Complete exploratory projects in design theory and practice, which may be used to develop a presentation portfolio of personal work.
- Develop an understanding of the language of design, which includes critical theory, critique, history, technology, and craftsmanship.
- Explore specifically the concepts of grouping and hierarchy as applied to visual communication.
- Practice designing page layouts using a grid.
- Operate with specific graphic design requirements.
- Define and employ industry standard graphic design terminology to describe projects.
The objectives will be achieved by:
- Completing projects of increasing complexity based on developing skill by hand and on the computer
- Analysis and critique one’s own work and then apply the skill to the work of others
- Readings, lectures, slides and discussion of readings
- Reports, written exams and quizzes
Copies of student work may be retained to assess how the learning objectives of the course are being met.
Grading of Student Achievement
Below is university policy followed when administering letter grades on projects, papers, and other tasks that do not utilize a point or percentage system.
A: Exceptional, means objectives of the assignment are fully understood as applied to the particular assignment and an intriguing balance exists between clear communication of the message and creativity. The assignment is executed with impeccable craftsmanship, accuracy, and neatness and exists as part of the complete design development of thumbnail, rough, and finished comp; a quality piece of work.
B: High, objectives are met and design principles are primarily well understood. May be lacking in overall quality, craftsmanship, clarity, or design development; good overall effort.
C : Average, the minimum requirements of the assignment have been met but not exceeded. Extra effort and insight into development of the basic assignment are necessary to produce higher quality work.
D: Below average, there exist problems in completely understanding the concept or objectives of an assignment. Incompleteness in several areas of craftsmanship, design, creativity, clarity, or development is also apparent; see instructor.
F: Unacceptable, please do assignment over see instructor immediately for further clarification
Final grades are the result of three areas of evaluation: Professionalism, Process
and Realization.
Professionalism: Your grade in the area of professionalism will focus on issues of attendance, preparation, deadlines, critique participation, personal attitude and articulation - the ability to speak and write clearly about ideas/concepts presented in class.
Process: Faculty rely on classroom observation in evaluating a student’s process in developing a project. It will focus generally on how thoroughly the student pushes visual exploration and concept research through such processes as sketching/thumbnails and creative/thoughtful writing. Students who attend class, make visible their process investigations and are prepared for the scheduled activities/discussions, reveal valuable information about their performance. In the absence of such information, faculty must resort to an unsatisfactory rating in evaluating the student’s process. When handing in an assignment, you may be required to include photocopies of relevant pages from the journal and other process materials in addition to the actual assignment.
Realization: The final evaluation of work (realization) involves more than totaling the grades on individual projects and/or determining that all assignments have been completed. Faculty assess student’s abilities in realizing concepts and controlling the visual elements of communication throughout the semester. This includes such issues as craftsmanship and the improvement and progressive mastery of increasingly complex material are evaluated.
All projects and exercises are due on the day and time given, always at the beginning of class unless otherwise noted. A late accommodation is given only with the understanding that emergencies and unforeseen circumstances occasionally arise. A late project must be turned in by the following class and will be marked down one letter grade accordingly. A later submission will not be accepted. Missing a scheduled critique or presentation will result in an “F” for that project.
Tentative Class Exercises and Projects
- Graphic translation 5%
- Identity and Applications 20%
- Poster for a Magician 15%
- Deck of Cards 25%
- Journal 20%
- Exam 5%
- Required Activity Papers 10%.
I reserve the right to adjust the projects and percentages as I see fit for the students’ learning benefit.
Student Requirements & Responsibilities
- A minimum of six studio hours in class and three hours outside of class per week.
- A $30 Lab fee for materials and tools. Materials fee will not be refunded after the third week of the semester.
- Notebook/ folder for lectures, sketches, and for assignment sheets and critiques.
- This notebook should be brought class and utilized for recording lectures and demonstrations, as well as drawings and sketches.
- Active participation in all phases of the course, attendance, lecture / demonstrations / critiques
- Materials described in the attached materials list.
Please turn off all cell phones and pagers during class meetings and lab hours.
Expectations & Work Load
The basic structure of this course will revolve around assigned studio problems. There will be time given to lecture and class discussion, practical tutorials, exercises, assignments. A significant amount of time will be also spent in critique of student work.
It is very important that all students engage themselves in a discourse of the work at hand. In turn I will give each of you conscientious feedback on as much of your work as is possible. All students should be prepared to spend a significant amount of time outside of class time for research, process and final production of assigned projects.
Students are expected to think creatively and critically as well as participate thoughtfully in class. As a good portion of this class is based in critique of student work, it is expected that all students will participate in this dialogue so that we may all benefit from the feedback. All comments are expected to be constructive and honest. It is the group dynamic that will inform and educate our individual projects. Be open to the critique process as your lack of participation will impact your final grade.
Class Preparation
Students are to arrive to class on time and be prepared for work with the requested supplies/materials/assignments. Class preparation is essential to receiving feedback on one’s work. Lack of preparation on a continual basis will affect your final grade. If you happen to miss a class or lecture, please make arrangements with a fellow student who can either take notes for you and/or get the required handouts, etc. While I will be happy to clarify information for students who are confused, I cannot repeat lectures or elaborate project descriptions on an individual basis.
Attendance Policy
No more than three absences are allowed per semester. Students are required to make prior arrangements with the instructor whenever possible. Students are expected to be on time and to participate for the duration of the class. The student’s grade will be negatively affected and lowered one full grade point for each absence exceeding the three allowed. So, for example, if you were to earn a B+ and had four absences, your final grade will be C+.
Tardiness is defined as being fifteen minutes late for class or departing before class has been formally dismissed by the teacher. Three tardies will be counted as one absence. Tardiness that exceeds one hour will be counted as an absence. Each student is responsible for his/her own recorded attendance. If you are late it is your responsibility after that class period to make sure the teacher has you added to the roll.
Students should be informed that the allotted absences are to accommodate routine illness, weddings, transportation troubles, etc. Doctor appointments, advisor conferences, trips to supply stores and labs, employment, etc. should not be scheduled to conflict with class.
Open Studio Hours Policy
Studio hours are:
M, T, W, TH 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. (except those studios holding evening classes)
F 8:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Sat and Sun 1:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Plan your schedule so that you will be able to complete your assignments during these hours.
If you have exhausted these times and need additional time to finish projects or have extenuating circumstances that keep you from finishing during these scheduled hours you must receive written permission to stay in the studio beyond the normal hours. You must obtain this permission by 5:00 p.m. on the day in question. This written permission will allow you to work until midnight only. No students will be allowed in the building after 12:00 midnight.
Cell Phones
Please turn off all cell phones during class meetings and lab hours.
Final Exam/Project Critique will be held on Thursday, December 10 at 6pm. Your attendance is mandatory for this final critique.
Honor Code
The University Honor Code is an essential element in academic integrity. It is a violation of the Honor Code to give or receive information from another student during an examination; to use unauthorized sources during an examination; or to submit all or part of someone else1s work or ideas as one1s own. If a student violates the Honor Code, the faculty member may refer the matter to the Office of Student Life. If found guilty, the student may be penalized with failure of the assignment or failure of the course. The student may also be reprimanded or suspended from the University. A complete statement of the Honor Code may be found in the Student Handbook, Tiger Lore.
Academic Dishonesty
A student who is found violating the academic honesty policy (i.e.: cheating or knowingly plagiarizing) in a course will be prevented from dropping the course even if the deadline to drop has not expired. In such cases, the student may be given an F in the course if deemed appropriate by the instructor, in accordance with current policies.
Working from photographs or other imagery is allowed and is sometimes necessary, however an attempt must be made to adapt and alter the image so as not to merely duplicate someone else’s artwork in another medium or form.
Suggested Supplies
(as needed)
You may have to purchase items that are not are not on this list while you may not need some that are listed here.
Portfolio (paper or matteboard)
Three-ring binder notebook
Metal straight edge
Exacto knife and blades
Marker layout pad, 11” x 14”
Sketchbook, 11” x 14”
Kneaded eraser
Drawing pencils; H, 2B, 2H
Color pencils or markers
Rubber Cement and Rubber Cement Thinner
Black markers, a variety of widths or weights
Container to carry supplies (tackle box, plastic bucket, etc.)
Black solid core Matteboard
Flash media jump drive
Bone folder
Masking tape
White artist’s tape
Black photographer’s tape
Art supply stores
Pacific Bookstore, Aaron brothers, Michaels, Detla College Bookstore