Tentative Class Schedule |
week 1
Monday Jan 11 |
Review syllabus + course structure, Handout vital stat/info sheets/sign
Introduce semester projects & assignments
Lecture: Design Principles
Order InDesign book online
Look up class web site
Bring 3-ring binder and sketchbook to class

week 1
Wednesday Jan 13 |
Lecture: Design process
Introduce Project 1: Magazine ad for Art department
Tutorial: Photoshop for designers (recap)
25 sketches for Magazine ad

week 2
Monday Jan 18 |
Martin Luther King Day: No class

week 2
Wednesday Jan 20 |
Review sketches, work on refining the concept with further layout sketches
Photoshop tutorial 2: In class demo and exercise
Finish exercise
Photograph, illustrate, scan necessary visuals

week 3
Monday Jan 25 |
Lecture: Text and image
Hand in Masking exercise
Review refined layout sketches
Review visuals, edit
Write necessary copy

week 3
Wednesday Jan 27 |
Work on ad layouts
Prepare a rough layout for review

week 4
Monday Feb 1 |
Small group review of rough layouts
Tutorial: Illustrator 1
In class work on ad layouts
Print, mount and prepare for critique

week 4
Wednesday Feb 3 |
Magazine ad critique
Introduce Pacific Seminar III book cover project
Lecture: book covers
Incorporate feedback to ad and reprint if necessary, prepare to hand in
25 sketches for PACS3 covers

week 5
Monday Feb 8 |
Magazine ad due
Review 25 sketches for PACS3 covers
Tutorial: Illustrator 2
Refine 3 sketches and start obtaining visuals
Finish exercises

week 5
Wednesday Feb 10 |
Group review of refined sketches (I will not be in class)
Work on visuals, scan if necessary
Create / obtain all visuals, digitise
Create rough layouts, print

week 6
Monday Feb 15 |
President's Day: No class

week 6
Wednesday Feb 17 |
Review rough layouts in preliminary critique
Tutorial: Illustrator 3
Refine layouts and prepare for critique

week 7
Monday Feb 22 |
PACS 3 Book Cover pre-critique
Work on incorporating feedback
Prepare to hand in and for presentations

week 7
Wednesday Feb 24 |
PACS 3 Book Cover Presentations, project due
Introduce Becoming Famous Morph assignment
A famous person and a portrait of you that you will morph into each other and sketch out the illustrations/caricatures: 20 sketches

week 8
Monday Mar 1 |
Review sketches
Tutorial: Illustrator 5
Work on refining the steps and making the transformation change in equal intervals
Digitize photo/illustration of your person and convert to vector

week 8
Wednesday Mar 3 |
Review vectors of your person
Continue progress on Becoming Famous
Complete two intermediate steps

week 9
Mar 9-11 |
Enjoy your break

week 10
Monday Mar 15 |
Review Becoming Famous Morph progress
In class work on Becoming Famous
Complete third intermediate step, print for pre-critique

week 10
WednesdayMar 17 |
Refine all steps
Refine all steps

week 11
Monday Mar 22 |
Introduce CD packaging design project
Refine all steps
Print, mount and prepare for critique
Find an artist to create a CD packaging for, bring photos, existing CD covers and other relevant research to class

week 11
Wednesday Mar 24 |
Becoming Famous Morph critique
Review research on your artist
Discussion: CD covers
25 sketches for CD cover
Incorporate feedback on Groucho, prepare to hand in

week 12
Monday Mar 29 |
Groucho Morph due
Review 25 sketches for CD cover
Tutorial: InDesign 1
Refine 3 sketches

week 12
Wednesday Mar 31 |
Review refined sketches
Tutorial: InDesign 2
In class work on CD cover
Create artwork for the cover, scan, clean up, place type

week 13
Monday Apr 5 |
Student travel day, no class

week 13
Wednesday Apr 7 |
Review artwork for cover, clean it up
Place typography
Create 5 different layouts for pre-critique, print

week 14
Monday Apr 12 |
Pre-critique of 5 layouts for CD cover
In class work on CD cover
Incorporate feedback and refine 1 layout

week 14
Wednesday Apr 14 |
Review CD cover layout, start on back and CD label
Create a CD label and back of the cover to go with the front cover

week 15
Monday Apr 19 |
Review CD labels and back covers, refine
Start work on CD booklet
Create a working grid and place sample elements in 2 page spreads

week 15
Wednesday Apr 21 |
Review booklet grid and 2 page spreads
Place further elements on grid, revise
Decide on headline size, placement, color
Decide on body copy size, placement, color
Create 6 page spreads with all elements placed

week 16
Monday Apr 26 |
Review page spreads
Continue on booklet development
Tutorial: Interactive PDFs: InDesign and Acrobat Interactive features
Continue with booklet layout
Print all CD materials for pre-critique, booklet finished
Create an interactive PDF of your booklet

week 16
Wednesday Apr 28 |
CD materials per-critique
Review interactive PDFs
Incorporate feedback
Create a mock up of all CD materials
Prepare for final critique

week 17
Monday May 3 |
Final critique, CD project due,
attendance mandatory for passing the class |